Phew! It's been one week since National Novel Writing Month started - the month when writers all over the world aim to get 50,000 words written in 30 days.
I am 8942 words in.
The Sherlocks and Columbos amongst you will notice I'm a tad behind, but I'm not letting that discourage me. I am powering through!
Freewriting Success
Freewriting is the only way I've been able to get through this week, if I'm honest. Because I'm a sucker for punishment, I decided to schedule a client this week for developmental editing, so I've also had my analytical editor hat on. It’s hard to be creative and free when I'm in that state of mind!
Sometimes when I sit down to write, I am completely blocked. When this happens, I sit back, listen to my fantasy playlist, and close my eyes. I visualise my main character and ask her - what would you do or say right now? Once she tells me, I open my eyes, start a timer, write that first sentence, and I don't stop until the timer goes off.
For more information on freewriting, check out this post.
Planner VS Panster
Do you meticulously plan your plot, characters, and timeline? Or do you freestyle? I've always been a panster. I sit, I write, I redraft, rewrite, edit, rewrite again... over and over again until something decent comes out.
This month, I had an idea 2 weeks before NaNo started. It was so clear in my mind, I started planning in a notebook by the side of my bed before I forgot anything. As I didn't intend to start writing until November 1st, I filled my days with research and outlines because I couldn't leave my story alone.
This past week, that outline has been my saviour. Knowing exactly which scenes I'm going to write each day saves on "thinking-and-staring-at-a-blank-screen-time". I just take a deep breath and write.
I still get that joy of something unexpected happening. Just the other day, I was writing a scene between my main character and her best friend. Out of nowhere, a random guy turns up. I was about to dismiss him when the best friend insisted he was relevant. He's still on probation, so I'll update you on how he fares over the next week!
Let's be honest, some days are rotten. I'm a mother of 3, and one day I woke up to find the laundry had doubled in size, I'd forgotten to prep dinner, and the kids were acting like they'd overdosed on blue smarties.
My NaNo project went out of the window as life swept me up and spat me out at the end of the day. I collapsed on my bed intending to write, only to fall asleep and wake up in a state of total panic at 2am - After midnight, so my word count for that day was a big fat 0.
I was close to beating myself up when I decided I didn't fancy shame that day. I wanted determination and confidence. I adjusted my word count goals for each day to make up for the loss and I powered through the next day.
Forgive yourself if you fall behind, but don't let that overpower you. Put your game face on and tackle the next day with fresh enthusiasm!
Self-Care To The Rescue
I neglect myself at the best of times, never mind when I'm drafting a novel, editing a client's manuscript, launching one blog, and maintaining another. Self-care was NOT on my To Do list.
Until I found the Instagram Photo Challenge by @AuthorSydneyRain.
"That looks fun," I thought.
I posted the challenge and committed to a self-care photo each day.
The result? I got to have a bath! Guys, a BUBBLE BATH. Not a rushed shower in-between tantrums and burning the dinner. I had an actual bubble bath, scented candles, and I read a book for fun!
To say I needed that time is a complete understatement. I came out refreshed and raring to go. I snuggled into bed with the candle still flickering and whacked out 2,000 words!
Get in touch!
How has week 1 gone for you? Are you ahead, behind, or just enjoying each day as it comes? Let me know in the comments!
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